Monday, January 7, 2008

Total Health & Fitness President's Challenge.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Mike Butler. I am the President and co-founder of Total Health & Fitness. I am almost 33 years old (March.) I am married to the love of my life Rachel, and I have a beautiful 9 and a half month old daughter, Ava Elle. We are also expecting a son (80 % sure, still early) in July. The pictures you see here are the roots of my body transformation history, and the roots of my passion with health and fitness. The 1st picture is obviously my before picture. The 2nd picture is at 12 weeks, and the 3rd picture is a year later. I went from 8 percent body fat to 3 percent body fat in 12 weeks. I was able to maintain 5 percent body fat a year later. I was young, 25 years old and stress free. I was also in great shape. Ha! Ha! Well time has passed, and I took most of my focus off of myself and put it into our business. I have decided that it is time, time to get back in shape, not just for myself, but for my family. I hope that my journey back will inspire and educate. I will document my progress weekly and post as much helpful information that I can. I will start by posting my new before picture (UGG!) and my first weeks results etc this week. (Only if you promise not to laugh!!!!)

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